Properties With Purpose
The Land for Love campaign was fully designed to help others. With a rich history In real estate, we've learned that we like to keep things small and avoid big corporate influence. We've intentionally kept our company only within the family regardless of growth potential. We aim to keep our purpose for what we do pure and free from outside influence. Below are a few organizations we have helped support through the Land for Love campaign.

provides adoption assistance grants to prospective parents regardless of race, religion, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation, and allows donors to direct their funds to help sibling groups or children with medical needs or are in danger of aging out of care.

founded by Becky Fawcett in 2007, awards “problem-solving” grants (up to $15,000) to singles, families, and married couples pursuing any type of adoption, helping hopeful parents overcome financial obstacles so more children can find loving homes.